We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of the following testimonials about our Foot Zoning course. Their words have touched our hearts and motivated us to continue striving for excellence in our teaching. We are honored to have touched the lives of these Foot Zone Professionals and hope that as you read their testimonials it will help you to make the best decision for you.
Testimonial: Emotional Healing
My journey with foot zoning began when my son tried to commit suicide. We had him seeing therapist after therapist. None of which helped him. I saw someone advertising on Facebook offering to provide foot zones. I thought, what could it hurt, and got him an appointment. After his first foot zone, he would ask me monthly when it was time to get back in to be foot zoned. He cleared a lot of emotions over the next year and a half and eventually went from thinking he was worthless to getting into college.
I knew then that I wanted to become a foot zoner to help others. So I took the class and became a certified foot zoner. Through those classes, I got many foot zones and cleared a lot of emotions. Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago. My dearest nephew did commit suicide. He lived very close to us and was very close to our family. This brought back many emotions for me. Through foot zoning I was able to clear those emotions. I feel no voids or sadness with the recent passing of my sweet nephew. All I feel is pure peace with the knowledge that I know he is ok and where he needs to be. I am so lucky to have found foot zoning. To have the privilege to Footzone others. So that I may help someone with their healing process.
Nancy Robinson
Testimonial: Blessing for Me
I didn’t think Foot Zoning school was for me. I didn’t even like to touch anyone’s feet! My mind has changed for the better! After taking the Foot Zoning course I have gained a better appreciation and knowledge for the body’s health emotionally, spiritually and physically and how these can all work together to become a healthier, stronger and happier person. Feet don’t scare me anymore. They are a picture into a person’s life and now I can help them see how wonderful that is too! Foot Zoning school has truly been a blessing and I am so grateful that I took the class!
Amberle P Hiatt
Testimonial: Life Benefits
I am so glad I decided to take the courses and become a certified practitioner in Foot Zoning. Several years ago, I started getting foot zones and was able to work through a lot of past traumas as well as work on my own self-love. I was also able to dial in on some of my shadows and clear those. This helped me to stop repeating patterns that no longer serve me. I was able to do this all through my foot zoner practitioner, not only the emotional things but the physical things I’ve been able to work through have been huge! Now I’m able to offer others the exact same through the classes I’ve been through. I think it’s such a blessing to be able to use not only for yourself but those that you love.
Carrie Crane
Testimonial: Helping Others
I’ve always had a need to help people for as long as I could remember, I’ve been through many different trials in my life, and all of them have led me down a different healing path. I’m currently a paramedic and a reiki master, and I’ve gathered different pieces of this healing puzzle over many years and finally decided to try foot zoning too. I’ve never been so impressed with a program or teacher as much as I have been with Susan and her course. Her wealth of knowledge surpasses any teacher I’ve ever learned from in the past, and there was never a question she could not answer.
I didn’t realize how deeply you could help and connect with someone through foot zoning. Realizing that emotions are stored in the body and eventually manifest as physical symptoms took my depth of understanding of how the body works to a whole new level. Thoughts truly do become things, and if we can learn to help people deal with the root cause of the problem, I believe that will be the perfect place to start! Foot zoning is an amazing part of the healing process and really should be incorporated into everyone’s lives.
The relationships I’ve built with Susan and the people in the class have been life-changing and one of the brightest points of my life. The tools I’ve been given will not only help me and my family for the rest of our lives, but countless others, and I’m so grateful for the knowledge and the opportunity to help all that I can!
Kaycie Torgerson